Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blog 5 Project Reflection and Working Essential Question

Title: Blog 5 Project Essential & Working EQ
Due: 9/8

1) Positive Statement:
 With what I have completed so far I have learned quite a bit of my family business. Only the tip of the ice berg,  but none the less my interest of the topic has grown very much. During my summer's mentorship hours I have found that with the visual exposure and hands on experience Fire Protection maybe a career path for myself.

2) Essential Question Content:
The best part of the project that has helped my understanding of Fire Protection grow is my time with my mentor during the ten hours I completed at Advanco Fire Protection. During my hours, my mentor gave me a handbook (Installation of Fire Sprinkler Systems) for my topic that has expanded my understanding and terminology of Fire Protection, including some history, names of systems, and brief process of an installation.

3) What has worked so far in your senior project?
The summer mentorship hours have worked best for me so far up to this point, because I learn and work best through visual and hands-on lessons. My mentor took me to his company's factory and showed me all the types of metal pipes for the different environment which I still remember, if I read it in a book I would have some problem recalling the information.  I can't wait to return and continue to expand my knowledge in Fire Protection.

4) What hasn't worked for you so far?
What hasn't been working for me very much is research checks. The reason for that is that I have trouble digesting information from my articles and notes with in the limited time I have.

5) Finding Value: 
    - What is the best versatile fire protection installation for an average building? I am interested in this question is that it requires me to learn about materials, procedures, systems, and requirements to fully answer this question. I intend in learning the entire topic as much as I can, this question connects my intentions for this year and answering the EQ well.
    -Mentorship: My mentor is Rigoberto Vazquez, and I plan on going to his company Advanco Fire Protection to learn all about the felid. To get a well rounded knowledge of the topic I intend to learn from each departments such as the architect, material, and installer sections of the factory.

1 comment:

  1. What is the best versatile fire protection installation for an average building? What do you mean by versatile? What is an average building?

    You are welcome to take notes on video research material for some of your research checks if that will help.
